Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wife-Beater Strategy

It’s not their fault. We made them abuse us with all our nagging and demands that our needs came before their buddy’s wants. And, if we take them back, they pinky swear, never to abuse us again.

Indeed. Today a memo was sent out to all House Republicans by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) that a change in strategy for the 2008 election is under way.

Saying “Washington is broken, the American people want it fixed, and Democrats in Washington have proven unable or unwilling to get the job done. Republicans will. Americans have seen first-hand the change Democrats are making, and it is moving America in the wrong direction. To the American people, we say that Republicans will deliver ‘the change you deserve.’”

Who’s fault is it that Washington is broken, again? Who’s beat down every initiative the Democrats have put forth? Now they promise “the change we deserve?”

Since the GOP has complete and utter contempt for the American people, civil rights, and Democracy, the question comes down to the details. What do you think they believe what we DESERVE after 8 years of Bush? More abuse, or a clean break from the politics of the past?

Somehow, I don’t think they have any interest in our best interests.

The GOP is not shamed, they’re not sorry, they’re not contrite. No, they’re only upset because the American people took away their driving privileges. They don’t care about us or our children. They only want the power to tell you how to live your life while stealing your kids’ future and giving it to their friends to party with.

No, the GOP needs to be completely castrated of all its elected officials, shamed and humiliated beyond despair. Only then can the wife-beaters in Washington see the error of their ways, thrown out on the street and left with nothing except their own miserable lives.

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