Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kweef’s Law: Campaigning on the Issues

The MSM has been blamed for not focusing on the “issues” in this election cycle. In their defense, they have, just not the issues that are important to the American people.

You see, when Democrats are in the lead, the issues relate to a common good, such as health care, social security, defense, jobs, economy, and all things interconnected to good government.

When a Republican is in the lead, the debate, or “issues” are always personal to the candidates, an airing of their personality failure, their defects, phobias, and inadequacies. To the MSM, personal deficiency, or personal issues are a lot sexier than dull governmental minutiae.

Fox News is the manifestation of those psychological malfunctions. A news network tailored to the deep seated psychosis of George W. Bush, the nuttiest guy to hold the highest office. Here you have a president that doesn’t read, (unproven that he can actually read in the first place), hears voices in his head he believes come from God, and invades countries based on his gut feelings. He’s a tyrant in every sense of the word, and tyrants have more “issues” than anyone else in the room.

So remember, the playground rule applies here, when a Republican accuses Obama of a personal flaw, “The one who smelled it, dealt it.”

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